

지에슨우스 2012. 5. 11. 13:35


글의출처: 아트페어(artfair)란     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_fair


An art fair is a commercial exhibition that shows the work of artists or art dealers. Each entrant has to pay a fee.

Art fairs are not to be confused with art exhibitions. Exhibitions are organised by curators




글의출처: http://k.daum.net/qna/view.html?category_id=QGI&qid=3FdT9&q=%BE%C6%C6%AE%C6%E4%BE%EE&srchid=NKS3FdT9



글의출처: http://k.daum.net/qna/view.html?category_id=QGE&qid=3FdSt&q=%BE%C6%C6%AE%C6%E4%BE%EE&srchid=NKS3FdSt